- 01:30 h
- 20 m
- 32 m
- 564 m
- 584 m
- 20 m
- 5.36 km
- Start: Iseltwald
- Destination: Giessbach
Unfortunately some once beautiful trails have already been sacrificed to road construction. However, as the lakeside walk along the south-eastern bank of Lake Brienz demonstrates, there is an alternative. In the 1970s, the Interlaken-Brienz section of the A8 autobahn was constructed; as compensation for this encroachment on the landscape and natural world, the Canton of Bern established a hiking trail hugging the bank of the lake. The autobahn is much higher up and mostly carried through tunnels, so your enjoyment of the hike won’t be disturbed by noise and exhaust fumes. The starting point is the former fishing village of Iseltwald. At the lido, the lakeside promenade ends and the gravelled lakeside path begins. The route rolls along in gentle dips following the course of the river. Parts of the path run right next to the water; it negotiates the few impassable sections of the bank at a gentle gradient. Lake Brienz glistens a unique, intense shade of turquoise. If you've brought your bathing costume, you will find numerous opportunities for a refreshing dip at the idyllic bathing spots scattered along the route. However, please remember that since most of Lake Brienz’s water comes from glaciers, it’s one of the coldest lakes in Switzerland. Therefore, it only reaches bathing temperatures that most people would find tolerable on still days in midsummer. At the Glooten picnic area, you will encounter a slightly more challenging ascent. But it’s well worth the effort: as pay-off, you can expect a stunning descent through a ruggedly romantic stand of woodland. From the end of the hike at the Giessbach jetty/lake, a 10-minute climb on foot or with Europe’s oldest funicular railway will take you to the Hotel Giessbach, which offers a unique view of the Giessbach Falls.
Good to know
Best to visit
Iseltwald - Glooten - Giessbach
Directions & Parking facilities
Hinreise: Mit dem Schiff von Interlaken Ost nach Iseltwald.
Rückreise: Mit dem Schiff ab Giessbach nach Interlaken oder Brienz
Additional information
Berner Wanderwege, T 031 340 01 01, info@beww.ch, bernerwanderwege.ch
Wandervorschlag aus dem Wanderbuch Kurzwanderungen, Wanderbuchreihe der Berner Wanderwege
Safety guidelines
Swisstopo Wanderkarte 1:50'000 254T Interlaken