- 02:25 h
- 5.29 km
- 778 m
- 567 m
- 1,344 m
- 777 m
- Start: Brienz BE, Bahnhof
- Destination: Berghaus Planlap
From the station in Brienz, follow the Hauptstrasse towards Interlaken. Soon, you will reach the Restaurant Steinbock. Here the signpost points right, up along the river. Follow this path until you reach the Catholic church, where you turn down Feldstrasse. The path now runs through a built-up area, but soon comes out in fields and meadows, where it continues towards the Milibach. The path continues to climb in the direction of the river; after approximately 1 hour, you will be rewarded by the sight of the Milibach waterfall. A steep section takes you through woodland towards Gäldried station. The road then widens: here you can take a short cut along mountain trails if you wish (these trails are, however, steeper than the road). Upon reaching Planalp, the glorious panorama opens out over Lake Brienz and the surrounding mountains.
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Directions & Parking facilities
Additional information
Marktgasse 1
3800 Interlaken
Phone: +41 33 826 53 00
Brienz Tourism
Hauptstrasse 143
3855 Brienz
Phone: +41 33 952 80 80
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author